Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The need to provide food to hungry Hoosiers is increasing and is forecasted to increase even more in the coming year. In 2008, 13.1 percent of all Hoosiers and 18.3 percent of Hoosier children under 18 years old lived in poverty. Food stamp participation in Indiana was up 14.2 percent in 2009 compared to 2008 (Source - Feeding Indiana's Hungry). Indiana farmers are responding to this need through their Farmers Feed Us Facebook Fan Page. They are donating $1 for every new Facebook fan until Jan 11, and the goal is to reach 1,000 fans by that date. Become a fan today, and pass on the word. Each small step you take today is a large step towards feeding our Indiana neighbors.

What are ways you have responded to the growing need to feed Indiana's hungry?

Friday, December 18, 2009


The Holiday Season is upon us. Tis the season to bake more than we can eat and eat more than we probably should....yes, one of the reasons why I love this time of year so much! As we buy the groceries to satisfy our family's appetites (or help ruin our coworker's Weight Watcher goals), we must keep those in mind who work to provide this food for us. Thank a Farmer today!

We also want to thank you for joining this blog and helping to support our family farmers. Therefore, we are awarding $25 to those who interact with us on the blog and help keep the conversation of agriculture alive. Each comment or post will enter you into a weekly drawing. We will be doing numerous drawings until our official roll out on Jan 11!

So, to get this thing rolling: Where do you prefer shopping for groceries and why?